
About ME

It's been a while I've been trying to start something like this...I have always had an interest for this kind of stuff but never put my mind to it. Going back as far as I can remember I have been in love with learning, to me knowledge seemed to be the most powerful asset anyone could have. With knowledge you become so much more interesting than the average person, your thoughts and views are backed up by facts which can make any argument a valid one. It gives you the power of your word. 

Through the years I have fallen in love with a lot of other things.. my passion for learning has let me to discover things like the beauty in different cultures, personalities and the occasional miscellaneous facts such as the gestation period of an elephant (which is 22 months btw). 

Even though I felt as I was appreciative of the world around me & had the strong feeling that I knew exactly what direction my life was taking,  It was not until recently that I woke up and realized that I was living life in the shadows of what I want my life to be and although my passion for life seemed to be so real, I realized that I somehow, somewhere along the way--I lost it... Somethings didn't make sense to  me anymore, I lacked common sense. I thought and thought about it and suddenly it was as if I had an epiphany... all of the sudden everything made sense to me again, I lost my self for a little.. but now I'M BACK!

There is a lot of life ahead of me, and a lot of life in me. I think I have RE-discovered who I am and where I want to go... so here is my life day by today told like a book, so that if I happen to get lost again... I can come back to my wonderful life and remind myself of how amazing of a time I have living! <3


  1. Really enjoyed reading this. I can trully appreciate how you always wanted to start this and now going with it. As you I also have realized the drastic changing my life is taking and how I refused to acknowledge it. I also have started to embrace that time does fly ad we do need to go out and get all we can.. Getting old is enevible but enjoying life is your option to choose. Look forward to following your blog.

  2. :-) Thank you! And yes, very true... Although things change sometimes it's for the better.. and sometimes as a mistake, however, no matter how you look at it.. it was an experience.. Ill try to keep it interesting here.. enjoy.. :)
